Quick Go To Camera Settings
Did you know old film photography camera settings still work in todays digital world? Here are a couple of quick go to camera settings that are useful to have in mind when photographing two common scenarios. Early Sunset F/4 Rule When photographing a subject against a sunset, set your camera to manual mode with an […]
How To Shoot Indoor Sports
Indoor sports photography is a difficult challenge for most photographers. One of the most common questions we receive from beginners is “What camera settings should I use to photograph indoor sports in low light?” Indoor sports photography needs fast shutter speeds. Personally I set Aperture Priority, using the lowest aperture number my lens will allow, […]
What is white balance?
How to use your digital SLR camera white balance settings – auto, custom, preset, daylight, tungsten, fluorescent, flash, cloudy and shade. Setting the correct white balance in your digital SLR camera is important to ensure the objects that are white, are actually displayed white within the photograph. As you can see by the interactive example […]
Digital SLR Camera Settings – when do you need to change your ISO?
When you use your digital SLR camera in automatic modes such as portrait, landscape and sports etc, all basic settings like ISO, aperture and shutter speed are automatically made for you. However, there are times when you’ll want to override these automatic settings and choose the ISO yourself. When to use the ISO setting on a digital SLR camera If […]
Shutter speed and the difference between fast and slow shutter speeds on digital slr cameras
Wikipedia describes shutter speed as being the amount of time a digital cameras shutter is held open for when taking a photograph. Shutter speed allows light to reach the cameras image sensor. Shutter priority allows the photographer to choose a shutter speed, then the digital SLR camera automatically sets the aperture to suit. To set your digital […]
Can you turn off your digital cameras annoying shutter noise / sound?
Recently while on holiday I was taking photographs alongside my partner who was using a video camera. When we returned home and watched back the video footage, all we could hear was the click click click of my digital SLR cameras annoying shutter noise. It was then I pulled out my trusty EOS camera manual to see […]
Quick tips for turning a Nikon and Canon digital SLR camera back to original factory settings
Digital SLR cameras offer so many different settings, it’s often hard to keep track of what one’s you have changed. Any photographer who has given his digital SLR camera to another person for a day or two, will understand how hard it is to try and guess what settings were changed so it can be […]
What is RAW setting on your Digital SLR Camera?
What is RAW file format and how do you use raw photographs. Digital SLR cameras usually save images in either jpg or raw format (or both), depending on the camera model and settings. The downside to jpg is that they start to deteriorate or loose quality from the first time you edit the photos. […]
DSLR camera settings and tips for taking city landscapes at night
One of the reasons enthusiasts purchase digital SLR cameras, is to take night photographs in and around the city without them resulting in blurred or shaky images. However, as you’ll soon find out, it’s not as easy as setting your digital camera to automatic and shooting the image. Listed below are tips that will help […]
What is mirror lockup and when do you need to use it?
When you press the shutter button on your digital SLR camera to take a photograph, the first thing that happens is the mirror flips up and out of the way to expose the digital image sensor. Sometimes if you have a long telephoto lens connected to your cameras body, this mirror flip can cause a […]
Digital SLR camera metering modes
Understanding metering modes is important for every photographer if they are to take correct exposures. To improve your photography you need to know when to set your digital camera on matrix, pattern, evaluative, center weighted metering, spot and partial metering. Metering modes can be one of the most frustrating settings for beginners to SLR photography. […]
What is ISO setting on your digital SLR (DSLR) camera and how do you use it?
The letters ISO on your digital SLR camera refers to film speed. Even though your camera is most likely not film at all, but rather digital, the ISO camera setting still has the same function as older film cameras. ISO determines how sensitive the image sensor is to light. Common ISO camera settings The most […]